

All donations go directly to our programs for seniors and persons with disabilities

Thank you for your support

At VRS Communities we are only as strong as the people in our community. Your donations speak volumes to the integrity of our neighbourhoods and are always valued and appreciated. Even the smallest donation can help make a difference, thank you for your continued generosity and for believing in our mission. VRS Communities is a registered charitable organization and all donations will be issued an official tax receipt.

We actively fundraise for the following:

Children’s Program

Priorities in this program for VRS include social outings, special equipment and educational items that enhance the lives of our kids.

Specialized Residential

This program provides 24hr care to medically fragile clients. Donations are used to upgrade and purchase specialized equipment that assists these individuals in their everyday lives.

Maintenance & Upgrades of our Client’s Homes

One of our greatest challenges is the upkeep of our residences. Donations are always welcome in this area.

To the Greatest Need

A donation to this category enables VRS to deal with priorities and emergencies that arise during the course of the year.